My computer icon is most important icon in windows operating system. In previous Operating Systems, like Windows 7 and Windows XP you can go to start menu and Right click on My computer icon and Show on Desktop for My Computer icon to show it in desktop. But the traditional start menu also missing in Windows operating systems, therefore ‘Show on Desktop’ is not available here.
How to Show My Computer Icon on Windows 8.1 & 8 Desktop
It is easy and few steps, I’ll be explaining the steps by steps with screen print.
3. On the Desktop Icon Settings dialog box, select the Computer check box so there is a check mark in the box and ok. you can use this method such as the Control Panel and Recycle Bin.
It is easy and few steps, I’ll be explaining the steps by steps with screen print.
1. Right click in any empty space on the Desktop and click Personalize from the popup menu.
2. Change desktop icons link on the left pane.
Now you can see your My Computer icon on your windows 8 Desktop.