Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How to configure Thomson TG 585 V8 Router for bridge mode ( Ooredoo Thomson Router configure for Wifi access point )

How to configure your Adsl Thomson  TG585 v8 Router ( Qatar Ooredoo white color Router ) for wifi access point. It is very simple step. I think now you have a Thoson   TG 585 V8 Router also if you don't know your Thomson Adsl router password you have to find Ethernet pach code. last think is download Thoson TG 585 V8 router brige mode configuration file. Click below  Mediafire link and download configaration file 

Download Thomson TG 585 V8 configuration File 

Thomson Router IP adress
Thomson Router User name    Administrator
Thomson Router Password      connect2th

Connect to your router through Wifi or using Ethernet cable. Now open your internet browser and type IP address go to router logging web interface. then enter user name and password after you are direct to Thomson TG 585 V8 router configuration page. then upload configuration file .flow the below step to upload configuration file or see the video.

Thomson Gateway -------> Configuration ---------> Save or Restore Configuration ------> chose file
------> Restore configuration now

Now your router ready to user as a wifi access point. but there is a common wifi name and logging password. flow the below step for password change or see the below video. It is current password is srilanka

Home Network -----> Wireless ------> configure -------> then change WEP Encryption Key and Network Name (SSID) and click apply button
Thomson TG 585 V8 Bridge mode configuration video

Thomson TG 585 V8 Router password change

Thomson TG 585 V8 Router picture


  1. it was work i configured my ooredoo thomson router

  2. I got this link from qatar living web site . What is the wifi passeord for this thomson router

  3. What´s the router username and password after setting the configuration file_

    1. password is srilanka

      if you are used Thomson TG585 v8 Router it is username www.layan.info

      if you are used Thomson TG585 v7 Router password is same srilanka user name is THOMSONxxxx

  4. What´s the router username and password after setting for

    1. User Name : www.layan.info
      Password : srilanka

  5. I'm trying to access my router with the provided Username(Administrator) and Password(connect2th) but It doesn't work. I used the config file, it change the SSID as expected so i suppose it changed it correctly, any ideas?

  6. plz reset ur thomson router first.

    Thomson Router IP adress
    Thomson Router User name Administrator
    Thomson Router Password connect2th

  7. Which port of Thomson router used as input in TG585 v7 Router

  8. this modem can help me to do somethin like this?

    wire dls-----modem (another)-----wirelees-----modem (thomson)-----wirelees and access point

  9. Hi Sri Tech! I followed the instruction and able to configure, change the password and connect to the Thompson wifi, but I cannot browse connect to the internet. Do I have to make changes for the IP, DHCP etc.? Did I miss some of the instruction? Help please! Thanks!

  10. what is the default username and password

  11. Sorry but the router IP didn't work. In the info panel of wireless connection say something like but it doesn't work too. Any solutions

  12. The router Ip doesn't work. In the lan info theres something like Any help?

  13. impossible to enter router.
    link to wirell ok but not eneter in modem home pahe. i ve tried .1.1 0.1........nothing...what s the mattter?

    i m from italy.
    impossibile access..bricked?

  14. impossible enter modem home page after flashed the .ini file.
    i see the wifi , connect too bat any ip addrss for modem are not good.
    please help me.

  15. thank you it's work form first time i uploade .ini file
